Yoga 2018 - Namaste and Welcome

kleindorf ART yoga workshops
are designed to meet the needs of both
beginners and more advanced practioners.
All sessions emphasize the importance of
proper breathing techniques, posture
and developing muscle tone.
Find inner peace and vitality, and
release creative energy, in order to
guide you along your chosen paths.
are designed to meet the needs of both
beginners and more advanced practioners.
All sessions emphasize the importance of
proper breathing techniques, posture
and developing muscle tone.
Find inner peace and vitality, and
release creative energy, in order to
guide you along your chosen paths.
For more information please visit:
Für weitere Information, bitte besuchen Sie:

kleindorf ART is pleased and honored to be able to collaborate with
Jeanette Fraede-Kollwig,
who leads all of our yoga workshops. Her mellow and easy-going manner, combined with excellent preparation and her wide-ranging knowledge of anatomy, yoga philosophy, spiritualism and wellness, make the moments of yoga practice fly. Namaste!
Jeanette's resumé
Doctor's assistant, with fundamental training in classic massage
Arzthelferin, Grundausbildung in klassischer Massage
Four-year training program in breathing therapy (according to
Middendorf) with Erika Kemmann-Huber, AFA Certificate 1996
Vierjährige Ausbildung zur Atemtherapeutin (nach Middendorf) bei Erika Kemmann-Huber AFA-Diplom 1996
Certified TriYoga Teacher Basics since 2006
Certified TriYoga Teacher Basics seit 2006
Four-year training program to become a certified yoga teacher with Ananda and Urvasi Leone, Certification BDY / EYU, 2007
Vierjährige Ausbildung zur Yogalehrerin bei Ananda und Urvasi Leone Abschluss BDY / EYU 2007
Further training:
Hormone Yoga according to Dinah Rodrigues 2009
Hormonyoga nach Dinah Rodrigues 2009
Yoga Meditation with Michael Kissener 2010
Yogameditation mit Michael Kissener 2010
Yoga and Orthopaedics with Dr. Günther Niessen 2010 and 2011
Yoga bei Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparats mit Dr. Günther Niessen 2010
Svastha Yogatherapie mit Dr. Günther Niessen und Ganesh Mohan 2011
Vinyasa Flow, Breathing Technigues and Meditation with Max Strom 2011
Vinyasa Flow, Atemübung und Meditation mit Max Strom 2011
Retreat in Heiligendamm with Patricia Thielemann (spirit yoga) 2012
Retreat in Heiligendamm mit Patricia Thielemann (spirit yoga) 2012
Travels: South India, Bhutan, Nepal and Bali,
in order to deepen and expand my experiences with yoga and meditation.
Reisen nach Südindien, Bhutan, Nepal und Bali
zur Vertiefung und Erweiterung der Yoga- und Meditationserfahrungen
Jeanette Fraede-Kollwig,
who leads all of our yoga workshops. Her mellow and easy-going manner, combined with excellent preparation and her wide-ranging knowledge of anatomy, yoga philosophy, spiritualism and wellness, make the moments of yoga practice fly. Namaste!
Jeanette's resumé
Doctor's assistant, with fundamental training in classic massage
Arzthelferin, Grundausbildung in klassischer Massage
Four-year training program in breathing therapy (according to
Middendorf) with Erika Kemmann-Huber, AFA Certificate 1996
Vierjährige Ausbildung zur Atemtherapeutin (nach Middendorf) bei Erika Kemmann-Huber AFA-Diplom 1996
Certified TriYoga Teacher Basics since 2006
Certified TriYoga Teacher Basics seit 2006
Four-year training program to become a certified yoga teacher with Ananda and Urvasi Leone, Certification BDY / EYU, 2007
Vierjährige Ausbildung zur Yogalehrerin bei Ananda und Urvasi Leone Abschluss BDY / EYU 2007
Further training:
Hormone Yoga according to Dinah Rodrigues 2009
Hormonyoga nach Dinah Rodrigues 2009
Yoga Meditation with Michael Kissener 2010
Yogameditation mit Michael Kissener 2010
Yoga and Orthopaedics with Dr. Günther Niessen 2010 and 2011
Yoga bei Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparats mit Dr. Günther Niessen 2010
Svastha Yogatherapie mit Dr. Günther Niessen und Ganesh Mohan 2011
Vinyasa Flow, Breathing Technigues and Meditation with Max Strom 2011
Vinyasa Flow, Atemübung und Meditation mit Max Strom 2011
Retreat in Heiligendamm with Patricia Thielemann (spirit yoga) 2012
Retreat in Heiligendamm mit Patricia Thielemann (spirit yoga) 2012
Travels: South India, Bhutan, Nepal and Bali,
in order to deepen and expand my experiences with yoga and meditation.
Reisen nach Südindien, Bhutan, Nepal und Bali
zur Vertiefung und Erweiterung der Yoga- und Meditationserfahrungen
Picture Gallery of Stork Yoga, May 2012
Click the photo for a larger view.